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consultation/treatment/services provided through this website is not intended to replace the mainstream medicines and services of contemporary health practitioners in the diagnosis and treatment of illness or disease. The use and application of the therapy provided here is complementary and alternative to mainstream medicines. It is to be used by patient with his/her discretion and sole responsibility. Treatment provided has not been evaluated or certified by Medical Council of India/Board of Ayurveda. The treatment provided is not the last word to recovery in the chronic diseases and does not promise 100% result. But, it is long term, slow acting therapeutic procedure aiming at strengthening and rejuvenating the body's own mechanisms for healing including diet and lifestyle changes. IT IS NEITHER A MEDICAL PLAN NOR A SUBSTITUTE FOR CONVENTIONAL MEDICAL TREATMENT. It is therapy that slowly improves immune system, incorporating healthy habits for health improvement and helps in preventing risk of imbalances leading to chronic diseases. The treatment may directly or indirectly result in minor adverse effects/ or temporary discomfort including, but not restricted to headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, fatigue etc., which can subside later on. If you face persistent medical condition or your symptoms are severe and unrelenting, please do consult a mainstream Physician. Patients taking consultation/treatment will do so as per their cost affordability, judiciousness and responsibility and no onus of any kind lies on ND CARE Nirogam (P) Ltd.